Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Creating An Email Creative

Create an email creative in which to add Email and/or Webpage content.


Click the New option on the Ribbon Bar or the New button in the Email Creative Panel. This will open the Category Explorer window:

Select the Category in which you wish to create the Email creative.

If the category does not exist, to create a new category, click the New Category icon and enter a name for the category:

Enter a name for the Email creative in the mandatory Name field.

The Options drop down at the bottom of the screen allows you to specify what is included in the creative:

  • New Email - Included by default. The name can be changed if required.
  • New Webpage - Tick to include a webpage in the creative. The name can be changed if required.

In this case, as an email creative is being created, only the New Email option needs to be checked.

Click Create.

You are now taken to the Overview screen.

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